Opening Hours: Mon - Sun : 10.00AM – 02.00PM & 04:00pm - 08:00pm (Sunday evening closed)

+91-70775 53669

H/N-129-LANE-9, Bapuji Nagar

Dental Implants

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are used to replace a few or all missing teeth. An implant is an artificial tooth that consists of a small titanium screw that is fixed into the jaw and an artificial tooth that is fitted on top of that. In time, the implant becomes fused with the bone of the jaw termed as osseo-integration.

Dental Implant

What are the advantages of dental implants?

Enhanced aesthetics since they resemble natural teeth.

Stimulate & maintain jaw bone and thus prevent bone loss.

Highly durable and can last a lifetime with proper care.

Improved speech and clarity.

Increased comfort when compared to removable dentures.

Convenient since they are a fixed option for replacing teeth.

Improved eating and no chance of denture slipping out of the mouth.

Enhanced self-esteem and confidence.

Improved oral health.

root canal treatment

Am I a suitable candidate for dental implants?

Dental implants can be placed in adults with fully developed jaw bones, provided that they have a sufficient quantity and quality of bone tissue available.

CBCT reports and a full mouth x-rays (OPG) are essential for diagnosis and treatment planning. A medical screening is equally important for selection. Most healthy individuals that maintain a good oral hygiene program are suitable candidates.

What if I don't have enough bone for dental implants?

Our dental implantologist in India will discuss possible options with you on your consultation visit. The alternatives for replacing missing teeth include dentures and bridges. However, there are various bone grafting and tissue regeneration procedures that can be carried out to enable dental implant treatment.

Is dental implant surgery painful?

NO. An effective local anesthetic is used during the surgery so that you do not have any discomfort during the placement of implants. You may experience mild discomfort after the surgery which can be controlled with medication.